Say "Thank you" more
Listen to people's stories
Act like I've learned
Speak more truth and less opinion
Obsess more about Jesus' love for me
As I go through my day, I want to remember
that I am not entitled to be served by others and opportunities to serve others
is still a gift. I want to shut up and listen because my story is not any more
important than someone else's. I make mistakes, I learn, and I move on. But my
actions following my flaws need to show that I learned. My experiences and
feelings do not dictate what is true about God, but God can use them to reveal
truth about Him--I must remember the difference. Every morning, I must awake in
the awe that Jesus gave up everything to save me. My days instantly take a step
in the wrong direction when I am complacent about His love.
~ Alyson
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