"Hi, everyone! This is Rachel Coker here. My lovely friend Alyson asked if she could share this blog entry from my site for all of you to enjoy today. I'm sure a lot of you are in this same stage of life and I hope this serves as an encouragement to keep learning, growing, and trying new things!" --- I had a really sobering thought the other day. This is the first August that’s not ending with Back-to-School season for me . Because I’m not going back to school. At least not right now. I’ll be working like crazy–doing everything from writing books to teaching piano to tutoring writing to traveling and doing lots of book signings. But no school. No more history papers, chemistry experiments, or math equations to deal with. No more deep discussions on alliterations and the divine right of kings and America’s involvement in the Vietnam War. School is out. Forever. (Like the Alice Cooper song, ya’ll!) For some reason, instead of exciting me, that really...