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Showing posts from November, 2013

I'm Thankful for Memories

     Memories mean a lot to me, and they are the second thing on my list of things I'm thankful for. For the longest time, I couldn't remember the last time I'd seen my foster sister who turns four tomorrow. I was able to see her yesterday. She was in a carseat, but she was smiling. She said "I love you" and gave me a hug and kiss.      Later that night, I wrote down every detail I could remember from seeing her. I didn't want to forget. Those memories are good. I needed to do that, but it also hurt.      Being thankful for those blessings don't always make you feel good, but thanking God for them is always great. That's why I make an effort to see blessings every single day. I've written some of them here at Equals Enough.     So be thankful for all the little blessings.     Happy Thanksgiving!

A Cow for Christmas: A new opportunity to help families in need.

                         What do two and four-year old boys want for Christmas?   A cow, a chicken, a horse, a hairbrush, and a fancy, blue Corvette to drive. Why would they want anything else?             Actually, I found their wants very comical. I expected trucks or games, something I could afford. Their lists only left a hairbrush for my budget. We laughed, thought it was funny, and I even posted on Facebook on how silly they were.              Then, the World Vision Gift Catalog showed up in our mail . I flipped through it just like I do every year right before Thanksgiving. But this time, through page after page of ways to help families, five things stuck out to me. A cow, two chickens, a donkey, personal supplies, and a bicycle. ...

I Wish I Could Just Write

I wish I could just write.  With no quizes, tests, or papers to complete. With no Spanish or math to frustrate me. With no interruptions or fatigue. I wish the words would just come without any struggle.  I wish people could see what I see, feel what I feel, and hear what hear. Those things I cannot find the words on the page to describe. I wish grammar wasn't important and didn't drive me nuts. I wish the fear of opinions didn't slow me down. I wish life didn't always effect what I write. Maybe I like that last one. But only because God controls the life that effects what I write.