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Showing posts from January, 2013

I've Been Nominated!

I've been nominated for the Liebster Award, by Leah at Apassionata ! Thank you so much Leah! About the 'Liebster award'  Bloggers nominate other bloggers that they like with 200 followers or less. It doesn't matter what kind of blog you have, or in what language. If you have a blog then you can be nominated! It's to get to know new bloggers a little better and go networking with them, it's going on for a few years I guess. It's never ending!  The rules 1. List 11 facts about yourself 2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger who nominated you left 3. Ask 11 new questions for those you nominate 4. Choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate 5. Go to each blogger's page and let them know about the award 6. Thank the person who nominated you and link back to their blog  11 Facts about me 1. I love old movies. 2. I am learning to cook by cooking on Mondays, so far I am good at tuna casserole. 3.It takes me about six ...


I realize that I have not posted in a long time and I am sorry. I have a extremely large load in school the next two weeks and that has devoured my time. I will try to get a post up of shortly. Until then, You can look at a funny picture : )


                My three year old brother was being a grump and my older sister was talking to him. She said, “Hey, you need to smile sometimes or your life will be miserable.” His reply was simply, “Oh, I didn’t know that.”                 Smile (noun) 1. Pleasant expression 2.Pleasant appearance. 3. Sign of favor                 This is how the definition is listed in the dictionary. The first two are the literal definition of ‘smile.’ The third one is the one I want to focus on. A smile is a sign of favor. Favor in what? For me a smile is a sign that I am in favor in what God is doing in my life. It is an approving attitude to His work. I am certainly not always a happy person. Happiness is depended on circumstances, but Joy is not. Joy is what I want to...