For the past couple months I have been without school, which, for the most part, has been a great thing. I truly enjoy the break. But I get to the point where I need something for my brain to do. The past couple months have been anything but boring. It got to the point where I asked my mom, “How did we ever last with the school schedule.” She didn’t have a good answer. This school year, Bud and I are taking some classes at a private school in addition to our homeschool, little sis is being homeschooled, big sis is at college, Zebra is going to public school, Turtle is going to preschool, and Monkey and Tiger are just playing. Talk about a heavy schedule. I look forward to learning, but having school brings on the need to prioritize. God is my ultimate priority whether I’m in school or not. Family is my next priority. School is next. Then, comes my writing. Now, you might be looking at this and see that “Friends” is not on this list. I find that they k...